Monday 8 August 2011

Weekend stuff

Saturday, my daughter was on her way back to Uni.
My husband took her to London in the car so she could get a train .
I walked into town back home to do a food shop with my backpack and then home with a whole chicken,16 bananas and 1lb of beef mince which was about all I can carry at one go.

Sunday we got up early and drove to London again, this time to watch the Triathlon in Hyde Park.
We parked away from the park and then walked about 40 minutes to get there.
I loved the diversity in participants. There were young and old, fat and thin.
Some wore T shirts ,some in triathlon suits,sort of vest or t shirt type tops with shorts joined on.
 The bikes were varied too. Some had expensive carbon fibre frames and streamlined wheels, others had ordinary road bikes.
It was excellent watching.
In the afternoon , the Elite men got to run and we stood by the transition area to see them.
68 men, various countries.
The weather was typically British. Rain one moment and blazing sun the next.
The swimming was in the Serpentine which is a large lake in the park.
When the  cycling began, we walked around to the road and clapped as they went by ,about 10 minute laps x 6. Then they swapped over for the running and we waited a bit further around the course to clap. The rain had started back up just at the end of the cycle leg and pelted down in stair rods for the rest of the Tri.
One poor chap was left way behind, almost a full lap ,as he had come a cropper in the cycle .
We reached the transition area again ,just as they were finishing.
There was a big screen up over the area so we got to see the end even though the crowds made it impossible to actually see the finish line.

It was well worth the long drive up and back.
We finally arrived back and decided to feast on Pizza from the shop(very rare occurrence).

So no actual official exercise either day but a lot of walking and standing around on Sunday.

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