Wednesday 31 August 2011

Tuesday running

The run on Tuesday was more or less in the dark.
The evenings are already beginning to encroach even though it isn't September till Thursday.
I forgot to press go on the Garmin until we were about 1/4 mile into the run.
So it clocked us at 2.5 miles and about 23 minutes.
Quite an easy run again. It was colder last night,I had on my Ronhill leggings and a long sleeved shirt AND the lightweight jacket that we bought in Lidl. The jacket is not at all bad for a cheapo. It has vented underarms, unzippable sleeves ,pockets and reflective bits.

Wednesdays workout was scheduled as a virtual gym but I couldn't build any enthusiasm for that so instead I did Pull ups in the morning 6,5,4,5,6  then 4 chin ups,2 X10 leg raises with some ankle weights on  and 7 pull ups with the band and then in the afternoon,25 minutes of skipping in the garden using my new skipping board. Quite a lot of double undering incorporated.

During the pull up session,I had a revelation. If I hooked my thumb over the bar,it gave more of my hand strength and the pull up was better. Not necessarily less work but more controlled. This also proved true for the chin up hand position. I wonder if that is why it is easier for some people than others. I mean apart from the usual obvious things like being stronger in the right muscle areas.
I know you are supposed to have your palm over the bar or ring during muscle ups but never thought about how just a thumb could change how a pull up feels.

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