Wednesday 10 August 2011

The run last night was 2.59 (4.17k) over pavement and some of the river side(also paved).
I felt very dry mouthed.
My son came too and walked a couple of times as he hasn't run in about 2 weeks.
It was warm out and a little bit windy.
We run past a floating river restaurant when we go in that direction and so give the diners something to think about while they feast.
This week there were a couple of bouquets tied to one of the mooring posts because a couple of weeks ago, a man lost his life in a boat fire at that place.
Last year, one of the boats was burned to the water line.

Our town seems to have escaped the rioting so far.
Last night, Birmingham was the target and the mob broke into several shops, taking mobile phones,shoes ,clothes and Jewelery.
These thieves   have no other motive than personal gain and hopefully will be found out and punished.
The majority of the perpetrators appear to be youths and young adults that do not expect consequences and I think that this is because for a long time, there has been too much Political correctness (AKA straight jacket  rules about how adults discipline children) which has led to a lot of children growing up without having to become accountable for their own actions either at home,in the community  or in school.

About 18 years ago ,I had a part time job selling housewares door to door and eventually gave it up because of a youth becoming abusive and physically attacking me. The main culprit was 14 and knew I could not as much as hit him with a rolled up newspaper because the 'law' would support his being 'too young to be able to understand his actions might cause distress'.
I had seen this same child a few years before ,exposing himself to a little girl as they walked up our road on their way to school.
My next door neighbour knows the family and claimed this boys mother would never hear a bad word about her children even if it were true.
I wonder how he behaves today.

David Cameron the Prime minister was called back from his holidays to sort the rioting out.

He stated
'if you are old enough to commit the crime, you are old enough to face the punishment'.

I am interested to see how that unfolds.

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