Saturday 13 August 2011

Challenge 2 is met and surpassed

I decided to try for the dips challenge earlier than I had planned.
It was going to be Monday ,leaving a longer space between exercise but I really felt like giving it a shot this morning.
Anyway, I did it.
The challenge was to perform 150 chair dips in a row without stopping.
A few weeks back, I began the challenge and managed 50 at one try, so I started my challenge at week 3.
Today I reached 160 without a stop and so mission is accomplished.

I am still maintaining my push ups from the 100 push up challenge.
I don't do 100 at one shot but instead do smaller sets until I have done the 100.
So now I will add dips to my maintenance alongside.

My arms are more defined as a result of these two challenges.
Having been quite weedy in the arm department for a good long time, that is a bonus.

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