Saturday 27 August 2011

The skipping board

I love skipping (jumping rope),it is my all time favourite frugal exercise.
I generally skip  indoors because it is easy to pop into the living room and bounce my heart out  ,then go sit back and get on with my work.
In the cold weather ,it is a good way to keep warmed up.
When the others are home, the living room is occupied with TV watching or computer use so then,I can't skip.
For my birthday this year, I asked my son for a piece of wood.
It was an odd request but also something I have been looking for all year without luck.
It needed to be big enough for me to skip on in the garden and strong enough not to fall apart when I land on it on the grass.
I didn't think he would get one but he did!
So now I have a skipping board.
I used it today and it works really well.
It is lovely to skip outdoors because there is a breeze to cool me and no worries about hitting anything with the rope or having to stop to make way for anyone walking through the room.
I did 40 minutes ,fast and slow with plenty of double unders.

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