Monday 20 June 2011

Time of the month or womens talk :)

Hmm I really don't look forward to the time of the month!
All my energy is drained away.
It starts about 4 or 5 days before the actual cycle and carries on until almost the end.
Today is day 2 .
I managed my skipping/HIIT workout in the afternoon. The morning got off to a bad start as I was still in bed until 9am.
When I run during my cycle, I have to pace myself more slowly to be able to get round.

The mooncup has been a great help. It is a silicone cup for catching the flow and means no more awful pads but I had to get used to using it and it wasn't so easy at first. I am quite looking forward to waving 'Aunty Flo' goodbye in a few years.

When I was a school girl, the TOTM was a week long misery sentence. I always got depressed and all enthusiasm for anything was gone.
It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I discovered that caffeine can affect some women that way.
We always drank tea at home ,especially in colder weather and it wasn't unusual to have a cup 8 times a day.
I cut my tea drinking back to 4 cups and the moods were gone.
These days I make tea in the teapot which uses less tea and so less caffeine to make more cups, so I can manage about 5 or 6 of these weaker tea's without becoming the evil witch woman one week a month.

Today I did 4 real pull ups from the floor!
Then 4 real chin ups.
After that it was back to negatives by lowering myself from the chair but woohoo progress.

I am managing about 40 double unders in a minute now(not all consecutive) this is double my old number from before I began the HIIT .

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