Friday 24 June 2011

A good run

Last night was a good run!
I even managed to speed it up in a couple of places.
We didn't run Tuesday so this was only a 4k instead of a 5k to let our legs readjust.
If you try to do too much after a lull, it can lead to too many aches a pains of the tendon and joint variety so we err on the side of caution.
The other half is cycling part way to work and so keeps pace with me . When he was just running after work without the cycling, it was quite hard to keep up with him.
My Son(22) also runs with us and he managed to keep a steady pace all the way around.
Oftimes he will speed on ahead and then wait for us as he gets his breath back.
He is still quite new to running but is much younger so we even out in ability.

Pleasing results

I put in my measurements on a body weight calculator this morning and found my body fat was at 17.4% which is a vast improvement on the 25.9 that it was back in April when we reassumed running and workouts.
Weight has dropped to 128lbs (from 134)and BMI is at 22(from 22.9).
The weight drop doesn't seem that much but my strength has really improved and there is far less visible flab.

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