Friday 10 June 2011

Keeping the faith and a bit of whingeing

Perseverance is the name of the game now.
Not just in the fitness stakes but also I am on the back boiler in case more work is offered.

Truly I would like to give up on the freelance stuff.
It is terrible pay for too long hours but I have had a little talk with myself about that and I am ready to step back now and refuse extra work in favour of living. If there is not enough work this year, I will claim back our dining room and pack away the machines that now inhabit it so that we can resume our family life complete with meals around a dining room table and being able to work out without having to wait for the living room to be out of use.

I suppose that sounds very selfish  as there are people desperate for paid employment but this is almost sweatshop level pay so I must be sensible and treat it as what it was supposed to be to begin with, an interesting hobby that sometimes brings us some spare pennies.

I do tend to get obsessive about work and raking in the cash. I think I want to be seen as trusty worthy and dependable and that gets taken advantage of especially by businesses who rely on profits to be successful.
It really isn't about the little guy for them, it is about their coffers overflowing because they have whittled down their expenses.

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