Monday 13 June 2011

Having a ball

I did my workout before lunch.
It was the core workout.
Having already worked through 2 HIIT workouts last week, I found the pauses a little long in this workout and so did a few weight moves in between.
The 3D 'coach' gave me some stability ball crunches today.
The first time I tried these, it was a strain on my back but then I found I had the ball pumped up too hard.
This week I checked it's height properly before starting and the crunches were much less back stressed.
I do like using the ball, the crunches are more effort than on the floor and my abs feel more worked out afterwards.

There was a workman's lorry just outside the house all the time I was working out.
The drive rises outside the house so it always seems as though anything there, should be able to see right into the room.
Actually it is probably too dark to see in from outside.
I carried on though ,even though I was wearing my shorts and sports bra for P.E. kit which is a little more revealing than I am comfortable with in front of strangers.

It was lunch after so I dry fried (in microwave) 2 eggs to have on toast as that is a good source of protein.

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