Sunday 24 July 2011

walking is good too

Saturday,I still didn't fancy my weekly chocolate bar so I didn't buy one again.
In the afternoon when the guys had gone to Karate, I decided to go for a walk instead of skipping rope and weights.
I took myself off to the park and roamed about aimlessly. On the way there, I spotted lots of Blackberry brambles with fruit so made a mental note to go again with a bag in the week to collect some jam ammo.
On the way home, I walked along the tow path which was not muddy for once(it has rained here for weeks).
I checked my distance when I got home, 7.23k on my phone's GPS ,google maps reckoned 7.06 so anyway 7k. Took about 1hour .25 mins.
The GPS on my phone is terrible as it doesn't find the satellites for ages.

Today ,Sunday, is a rest day. I walked into town which is about 1 and a half miles but nothing strenuous.
We even had donuts on Sat (I had just 1) . They weren't particularly inspiring as they were chewy which is silly for jam filled buns that will drip everywhere unless you are careful.

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