Friday 15 July 2011

The virtual gym again

It was my laptop workout day number 17.
I haven't done one since last Friday and I chose Core again for the focus of the hour.
Once again there was no stability ball or weights exercise.
I used my ankle weights for the leg raises and added a hip raise at the up side of the movement to make it more challenging.
 There were 2 sets of 15 and I could just about manage them in the time with the added weights.
Later when there were 2 sets of 12,I added the hip lift again but not the weights as the first were in 4 count timing and the second were in 2 count.

Last night we did a short run, I think it is about 2.5 miles and we went the hillier route.
OH wore my ankle weights on his wrists and also carried his small hand weights.
He says it adds more challenge but it slows him to my pace too so I am not complaining.

My weight is down to 126lbs (9 stone)

Tomorrow is chocolate day but to be honest, I am getting bored with chocolate.
I did go off it once before when I was about 19 and didnt eat any for around 2 years.
Then I met OH who is chocolate boy, only grown up and not wanting to seem a kill joy, I started eating it again.
I think I might go back to my former non chocolate  eating self though because I would much rather have a juicy nectarine  especially with the price chocolate is now. I keep seeing nice things for 55-65 pence that are not chocolate and thinking, if I hadn't bought that,I could have bought this .

Companion feeding makes you fat

That chocolate moment has me thinking about companion feeding. You know, where you eat because everyone else is eating.
I think a lot of women put on weight when they get hitched because they eat whenever their partner is eating.
They forget that men need more calories and so they over eat.
The man becomes fatter because he is being provided with goodies in a motherly fashion by his partner who likes to see a grown man eat properly.

Then of course there are the evenings out. Maybe the girls or boys go out as a group of friends and they either end up in the pub,a restaurant or a coffee house.
When I was at school,Wimpy had just opened in the nearby town.
We 5th formers having finished our exams,were allowed to roam about out of school during lunch (not the usual rule so very much a novelty) and ended up in the Wimpy.
Several of the girls produced pocket money and ordered themselves food and one or two of us(me of course) sat and watched them eat ,feeling very blank and left out.
I think if we had all had equal money, we would all have been feasting to be friendly.

I suppose the same peer pressure is responsible for drinking alcohol or smoking cigs or even drug taking.

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