Friday 22 July 2011

rainy running

It rained! First off a stair roddy , plummeting downpour,then a lighter spattering.
I thought running was out but it cleared and then spattered and then cleared,so when the OH got in, I was in my running stuff and he got his own gear on and we were out the door.
We both have light jackets and I wore my running cap that I got for the Flora family marathon about 4 or 5 years ago.
Only a 2.5 mile run as it started coming down again before we were even half way.

This morning was going to be a trip to the wood merchant for my son who wants to build shelves but we had to abandon the idea when we realised there were road works (laying new asphalt) on the way into town.

I did my virtual gym workout instead.
Today I chose a lower body workout as we missed our Tuesday run.
I was given plenty of weights work and some stability ball.
Loads of lunges of various types were the flavour of the day.
I have to really concentrate on how I position my knees for lunges and squats else I end up with pains and have to leave off running . Today was painless.

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