Friday 8 July 2011

easy friday

Twas the laptop workout today.
Maya the 3d coach was waiting as usual in her virtual gym.
I chose my favourite Core session and she gave me loads of stability ball.
On the one hand it was a burning repetition of crunches but on the other hand, it was a good old workout where I felt like I had to put in maximum effort.

The plank work is really helping my workouts.
I had 2 sets of plank twists and in one set I did 9 reps which is far more than usual at that move.
The lateral twists(mason swings) were also easier as I do a similar thing for my HIIT but with a much heavier weight. These are probably twice as long in duration but you really need that because the whole workout is balanced ,one exercise with the next, so you don't want a huge heavy weight move and then a light one for the opposite muscles.
 My shoulders were feeling it somewhat from the dips.

I practiced head stands aferwards. I managed a couple by the wall but not held up by it ,which is pleasing,I think they are good for your back .
100 squats
Then the Hydrants which really burn deep in my glutes but are hopefully going to be worth it to help with my running.
Lastly 100 push ups in 3 sets,40,20,40

Why keep fit at all? 

When we first came to live here 22 years ago, we met our lovely neighbour.
She was 80 years old.
She lived on her own and did everything by hand including mowing her lawns.
Never a driver, she walked into town about 3 times a week.
She often laughed about how long she would live next door.

Well eventually when she reached 100,she got too frail to look after herself and had to go to live in a home.
She is still going strong aged 102. 

So what is the secret of her long life?
No smoking?
No drinking Alcohol?
She was a widowed mother and so was not always stress free.

I firmly believe it was her activity that kept her so mobile . 
The same is seen in places where the elderly population must grow their food and dig the land and walk for miles. There is something to be said for moderation also. Indulging in too much of anything is detrimental. 

Use it or lose it.


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