Friday 2 September 2011

whizzo the whizz

Well I don't know why but the run last night was good and fast!
about 9.42 pace instead of 10.08 (minutes per mile)
We were back in just over 20 minutes.
Our son decided to tag along and managed without stopping despite not having run for a week.
As usual ,I uploaded the run from my Garmin ,into the computer and then transfered it to map my run to check on the accuracy. I really need to trust it more. It was only 1, 100th of a mile out. The discrepancy is because the satellites sometimes cant tell whether you are going around a curve and so straighten the route, often this just cuts a lump off in one place but sharpens it out somewhere else.

I did the pull ups schedule again this morning.
5 sets:
I did balk a little initially on reading the amounts needed today, as I found I could just about manage last times, which was 6,5,4,5,6 but when I thought about it, it was only 2 more and proved quite do able
Then I managed 4 chin ups
2 X 10 hanging leg raises unweighted
1 X 10 hanging leg raises with ankle weights
Then to finish it off, 10 pull ups with band assistance.

The band pull ups were easier to manage this time because instead of looping the inner tube across both handles of the pull ups bar, I looped it through itself from the middle of the bar which meant it was long enough to put my feet in,instead of my knees.

I remembered to have my thumbs over the top of the bar again and it really does help because your thumb is quite a large part of your hand and adds a lot of support to take your weight.

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