Wednesday 7 September 2011

Running without seeing

Last night we ran in the dark again.
It was a 3 miler along parts of the river bank and some pavement.
The pavement was more precarious than the river, there are trees along the edge for quite a long way and the windy conditions of the last day or two have brought down some branches, which in the dark, we discovered by running into them.
Luckily they were all small bits and so no harm done but I had forgotten about the hazards of running along the unlit or poorly lit bits of that route.
The run itself went well. We ran at 9 minutes 40 per mile pace.
OH had his weighted vest on. It is an old stab vest complete with pockets which he can fill.
He had a dumbell and an ankle weight in each pocket and all the way up the river, we could hear one of the dumbells clanking as we strode, it was like having robotic joints.
He had to stop at the half way point and rearrange the weight .
He almost left the front door key behind as we set off but just noticed it lying on the path in time.
Although it had rained a lot during the day,the puddles were not too bad.

At home I had a bowl of yoghurt,1 weetabix and banana with jam to refuel. Usually I only have a banana but today I was ravenous.
Earlier ,I had done a 10 minute skip..
2 minutes regular speed,1 minute high knees (more like a run than a skip) ,repeated till the 10 mins was up.
It had rained and rained so I wasn't expecting to get a run later.
A 3 minute plank was added in a while after.

This morning (Wednesday), I dragged my weary carcass to the pull up bar and did the pull up challenge workout.
Today was 5 sets;
Then 6 chin ups
10 unweighted leg raises
2 X 10 weighted leg raises (the leg raises are for stomach muscle strength,not arms)
12 band assisted pull ups and
The Hydrant leg routine(performed on the floor mat)

My pull ups are better than they were but I still cannot do more than one at a time. I can do them straight after each other without a rest but I must start each one with my feet on the floor.OH admitted that he has trouble with the pull up hand position and prefers to do  chin ups.

Anyway,after the pull up session, I put the bench up and attempted some dragon flags.
They are performed lying on your back ,holding the handles on the end of the bench.
 You are supposed to lift your body up all the way from shoulders to feet in as straight a line as possible,then lower and lift in that same straight line.
I managed 3 but not particularly straight.

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