Monday 12 December 2011

Eating at the table

We are trying to get the dining room back into commission.
Last year it was my office and so was full of scanners and computers.
We had 3 big scanners (A3 size) and then a large A4 flat bed and 2 film scanners.
Then there were the computers.
2 Windows PC's
3 Macs and of course their keyboards, Mice and monitors.
There was hardly room to sidle.

Well that all fell through when the economy took another downturn and so we have had a room full of white elephants.
Yesterday and today was spent in moving stuff about so we can have our room back.

We put two of the big scanners under the stairs.
The other is in the corner.
The macs are put away where they will fit.
One PC is in the cupboard and the other, the better one, is on a computer trolley.

Todays dinner was the first we have had around the table in about 10 months.
It was so lovely to see the fireplace again and be able to sit upright properly to eat.
Cant wait for Christmas and now we can have Xmas dinners in the old family manner with chatting and manners instead of in the sitting room with the 'telly' butting in and everyone glowering at Mr oblivious because it is another bless'ed war film..

I have the small drawer unit that was under my desk, as a bed side table now, it is lovely and deep and there is a lock.
OH doesn't know that I found the key shhh.

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