Friday, 29 July 2011

Dips are improving

I have a run later tonight so I decided I would do my chair dips challenge this morning.
It is week 5 ,day 2 of the challenge and the sets increase in number but decrease in reps..
24,24,28,28,23,23,28, and more than 58  which today became 100
It is strange, I think my arms warm up as I progress because the first set was almost without sensation,the next was already burning at 14 and the subsequent sets were beginning to tell by about half way into each one.
I left around a minute before my maximum reps set and just kept on dipping.
I might have managed a couple more but the form was just about holding on at 100 and they do advise proper form is more important than numbers.
I suppose that is less likely to cause injury so I will go with their advice.

Yesterday I made Comfrey tea.
We have bocking 14 growing in the garden which is the variety grown at the Henry Doubleday Institute.
The leaves chopped up and left to steep overnight in boiling water,make an aromatic liquid.
I don't much like the flavour but I often have a nasal drip which is phlegm running down the back of my throat.
This tea is meant to help.
Anyway I drank my 1st cup this morning. Yuck! But it does seem less phlegmy .
I have frozen the rest in 1 cup amounts so I have about 5 more cups /days worth.

The remaining sludge will go in the compost bin as Comfrey makes excellent compost..


Thursday, 28 July 2011

balancing the workouts.

Yesterday I did a very light day as far as workouts are concerned.
It was more of a rest day.
In the morning I did my chair dips challenge which was 5 sets long
46,52,39,31 and then a max set of 74
This takes about 10 minutes because I leave 60 seconds between each set.

After lunch I did 100 push ups.
It took me 3 sets.

Then later on I did a 2 minute straight plank and a 3 1/2 minute alternating plank in which I changed between hands and forearms whenever it became uncomfortable
It is much easier to do longer planks when I have them as the first exercise of the day.

It felt good not doing more,I needed the break for my legs to recover from running

Today was HIIT 11
I did 10 minutes warm up with the rope
set 1 was 10 unaided pull ups,6 unaided chin ups
skip 1 1/2 mins
set  2 4 unaided pullups,4 pullups with chair,4chinups with chair
skip 1 1/2 mins
set 3 hanging leg raises X14
skip 1 1/2 mins
set 4  hanging leg raises X14
skip 1 1/2 mins
set 5 kettle bell raises X16
skip 1 1/2 mins
set 6 kettle bell raises X 16
skip 1 1/2 mins
set 7 kettle bell side swings X 16
skip 1 1/2 mins
set 8   kettle bell side swings X 16
10 minutes cool down skip with double unders every now and then
Hydrant combination (lasts 7 minutes)

The whole thing was 50 minutes long.

The double unders are very useful for helping the time to pass on the cool down skip.
I do sequences of jumps.
Today was 35 jump,DU repeat 1 minute.
then 30 jump, then 25,then 20 etc so that I am counting jumps rather than the time left to go.

We have swapped the routine a bit this week and will run on Friday and I will most likely do a workout Friday morning using the laptop virtual coach

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Shape changing

I did a weigh in this morning.
I am still 126 lbs which is exactly 9 stone
my waist has lost 1/2"
hips have lost 1"
thighs 1/2"
Bodyfat is now 15.2% which is 1.5% less than my last measurement.
BMI is 21.63 down from 21.67

That is a very pleasing result.
I don't really need to lose any weight but being trimmer and stronger are an advantage.

Since I started to measure in April, I have changed shape thus

  • weight     - 8lbs
  • waist       - 8 1/2"
  • hips         -5"
  • Thigh       -1"
  • BMI       -1.3
  • Body fat -10.7%

Monday, 25 July 2011

More stability ball

The virtual workout was core again.
Stability ball featured heavily .
I really enjoyed this workout.
It was properly challenging.
I added ankle weights to the leg raises again and a hip lift
The last session before the stretches is always yoga and todays felt just right after my finding the last one too easy.


Today was week 4 ,day 3 of the 150 dips challenge.
I don't do them all consecutively. They just fit in where there is a space,so The rest of week 4 was last week.
This session was 5 sets
37,42,37,37,and max which today was 72

Sunday, 24 July 2011

walking is good too

Saturday,I still didn't fancy my weekly chocolate bar so I didn't buy one again.
In the afternoon when the guys had gone to Karate, I decided to go for a walk instead of skipping rope and weights.
I took myself off to the park and roamed about aimlessly. On the way there, I spotted lots of Blackberry brambles with fruit so made a mental note to go again with a bag in the week to collect some jam ammo.
On the way home, I walked along the tow path which was not muddy for once(it has rained here for weeks).
I checked my distance when I got home, 7.23k on my phone's GPS ,google maps reckoned 7.06 so anyway 7k. Took about 1hour .25 mins.
The GPS on my phone is terrible as it doesn't find the satellites for ages.

Today ,Sunday, is a rest day. I walked into town which is about 1 and a half miles but nothing strenuous.
We even had donuts on Sat (I had just 1) . They weren't particularly inspiring as they were chewy which is silly for jam filled buns that will drip everywhere unless you are careful.

Friday, 22 July 2011

rainy running

It rained! First off a stair roddy , plummeting downpour,then a lighter spattering.
I thought running was out but it cleared and then spattered and then cleared,so when the OH got in, I was in my running stuff and he got his own gear on and we were out the door.
We both have light jackets and I wore my running cap that I got for the Flora family marathon about 4 or 5 years ago.
Only a 2.5 mile run as it started coming down again before we were even half way.

This morning was going to be a trip to the wood merchant for my son who wants to build shelves but we had to abandon the idea when we realised there were road works (laying new asphalt) on the way into town.

I did my virtual gym workout instead.
Today I chose a lower body workout as we missed our Tuesday run.
I was given plenty of weights work and some stability ball.
Loads of lunges of various types were the flavour of the day.
I have to really concentrate on how I position my knees for lunges and squats else I end up with pains and have to leave off running . Today was painless.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Improving on the dip max

I got my chair dips in early today.
32,37,32,32 and a max of 81
That is well over half way towards the 150 at one go.

Push ups were not bad either.
80 and 20 to get to the hundred in just two sets.
This is for maintenance .

Plank was a bit disappointing.
Previously I managed a 5 minute plank (a couple of weeks back I think).
Today was 4 minutes .
I did 1 minute left side plank and 1 minute right.

All of that takes about 15 minutes but it is spread out into manageable sections and fitted in when there is time.

Probably running tonight unless circumstances prevent.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Garden takes over

I spent 3 hours shoving the wheel hoe about yesterday.
The weeds had encroached on my mud again.
In the evening, the run didn't seem that appealing so I gave it a miss.

HIIT number 10

Not really on top form at the moment. TOTM is looming and I always lack energy at that point.
Still managed to do 54 minutes of exercise.
10 min warm up and cool down skip
2 lots each of:
Hanging leg raises (16 reps)
pull ups/chin ups 10/10 and 10/6 with some chair help
kettle bells 2 x16
double unders 51 and 65
each set lasting around a  minute(cant see my watch from the pull up bar) with 1 minute 30'ish skip between each
Lastly after the cool down skip I did the fire hydrant leg exercise which is 7 minutes long.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Monday and another virtual workout.

I did no exercise at all this weekend unless you count walking around 3 miles for the shops on Saturday.
It just bucketed down with rain and the house was never empty so my workout room which also doubles as our living room, was occupied for TV watching.
We watched the Tour de France on TV.
The cyclists are having a bad year for crashes.

Today my virtual coach gave me some stability ball at last.
I did leg raises using Ankle weights as they are getting too easy compared to the other exercises.
If I click 'no sweat' the whole of the core session will be harder so when only one move has got simple, it is better to add some more resistance instead.

There were a lot of 'swim' sets. Those are the move where you lie on your stomach and raise opposite arm and leg and then alternate. I don't find them especially challenging but I think there were about 4 sets which does begin to tell.

A no chocolate weekend .
I just couldn't be bothered to buy any.
I looked at all the yummy fruit but the prices are silly so I went without. 

Friday, 15 July 2011

The virtual gym again

It was my laptop workout day number 17.
I haven't done one since last Friday and I chose Core again for the focus of the hour.
Once again there was no stability ball or weights exercise.
I used my ankle weights for the leg raises and added a hip raise at the up side of the movement to make it more challenging.
 There were 2 sets of 15 and I could just about manage them in the time with the added weights.
Later when there were 2 sets of 12,I added the hip lift again but not the weights as the first were in 4 count timing and the second were in 2 count.

Last night we did a short run, I think it is about 2.5 miles and we went the hillier route.
OH wore my ankle weights on his wrists and also carried his small hand weights.
He says it adds more challenge but it slows him to my pace too so I am not complaining.

My weight is down to 126lbs (9 stone)

Tomorrow is chocolate day but to be honest, I am getting bored with chocolate.
I did go off it once before when I was about 19 and didnt eat any for around 2 years.
Then I met OH who is chocolate boy, only grown up and not wanting to seem a kill joy, I started eating it again.
I think I might go back to my former non chocolate  eating self though because I would much rather have a juicy nectarine  especially with the price chocolate is now. I keep seeing nice things for 55-65 pence that are not chocolate and thinking, if I hadn't bought that,I could have bought this .

Companion feeding makes you fat

That chocolate moment has me thinking about companion feeding. You know, where you eat because everyone else is eating.
I think a lot of women put on weight when they get hitched because they eat whenever their partner is eating.
They forget that men need more calories and so they over eat.
The man becomes fatter because he is being provided with goodies in a motherly fashion by his partner who likes to see a grown man eat properly.

Then of course there are the evenings out. Maybe the girls or boys go out as a group of friends and they either end up in the pub,a restaurant or a coffee house.
When I was at school,Wimpy had just opened in the nearby town.
We 5th formers having finished our exams,were allowed to roam about out of school during lunch (not the usual rule so very much a novelty) and ended up in the Wimpy.
Several of the girls produced pocket money and ordered themselves food and one or two of us(me of course) sat and watched them eat ,feeling very blank and left out.
I think if we had all had equal money, we would all have been feasting to be friendly.

I suppose the same peer pressure is responsible for drinking alcohol or smoking cigs or even drug taking.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Dippy woman!

Twas dips, week 3 ,day 3 of the 150 dips challenge.
I am doing my dips with bent legs and a chair.
and max of 73 !!

After a bit of a rest I did my 100 push ups. 60,25,15

Our neighbour called around to borrow the 5'x4' trailer. Later when he returned it, my son and I wrestled it back behind the gate.
My lunch today was a Tuna sandwich (no butter or marg) as it is high protein.
I managed a 4 minute,20 second plank in the afternoon.
We will carb up on dinner of Bolognaise for the evening run.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

HIIT9 done and dusted

Today's HIIT was quite hard work.
I think having the rest days was definitely a good thing.
My arms were finding it hard on the pull ups.
I managed 10 from the floor.
I am still doing a little jump to get myself up.
After watching Scooby do pull ups, I decided to do some assisted by the chair but not just lowering myself down from it.
For this move,you must start from the floor but keep one foot on the chair behind(or in front of) you.
You only lean your foot against the chair enough to help and not letting it take the full weight.
This feels more challenging but is the next progression from lowering,so hopefully will help towards better form in the end.
I only did 40 minutes altogether including the 10 minute warm up.
Here is Scooby showing how its done..

Back to running

The run yesterday evening was quite nice.
It had rained during the day and was  light and breezy.
We ran the hilly way and the guys bombed on ahead.leaving me feeling like a little old lady, tottering along.
They did wait in a couple of places.
On the way back, my son kept pace till we reached the home lanes and then he turned off and I continued for a bit longer.
I got back maybe 10 minutes after them.
5K in all ,so quite pleasing.

There were some teen type people on the foot bridge as I turned for home.
I noticed them but continued on ,I run under the bridge a bit further from where they were standing and half expected to either get spat on or have things or abuse thrown at me but my suspicions were wrong.
There hardly ever seems to be any 'feedback' from the locals.
Once or twice we have been honked at or had comments called out by cowardly motorists but they are just jealous that we have the confidence to be doing what they are too scared to do.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

This cool  lady is 74 year old Ernestine Shepherd! 
I want to be as fit as her when I am that age for sure .

How its going so far

This is how it all looks after about 12 weeks of working out,running and the newer challenges.
My back view always looks alarmingly like someone else but that pic was taken on the same day as the others. The big shoulders seem to run in the family as my son has them too.
My daughter seems to have escaped them which I don't think is such a bad thing.

I bought these shorts when I embarked upon my new fitness regime and they fitted perfectly then,now they have about 3 inches of space at the waist.

I have had a couple of days resting up with a sore throat which is usually the sign for me of too much exercising and not enough recovery time.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Can low calorie be frugal?

Of course it can!

For have sandwiches for lunch but you want to cut down on the calories.
If you make your own bread or buy unsliced bread, it is easy.
First,only use marg when the filling cant be spread without it.
For a salad /pate/egg/jam sandwich,you wont need any fat at all.
You dont often need fat on toast either so sometimes that is the healthier option.
Secondly, slice thinly.
If you have slices that are 4mm thick instead of 8 mm,that is half the bread and so,half the calories.

Make your own fat free pates. They are quite easy. Use cooked meat/fish or beans and put them in the blender with water to make  spreadable. If it gets a bit too runny, add some breadcrumbs.

Homemade yoghurt can be low fat too.
Use skimmed milk.
For UHT milk,heat it to blood temperature (test on your wrist like a baby bottle) in a jug,
then stir in a big spoonful of plain bought yoghurt.
Put the  jug in an insulated food bag like the kind you take picnics in or the kind you can get for shopping for frozen goods.
In 6 hours,the whole jug will be low fat yoghurt.

Want to sweeten cereal?
Use jam,especially home made.
It is made with sugar but usually half the volume is fruit and so a spoonful of jam is less calories than a spoonful of sugar but you still get the sweet taste.

You can sweeten with honey or dried fruit too but neither of those are particularly cheap at the moment.

Want a snack and there is nothing in the fruit bowl? Do you go down to the shop for biscuits or chocolate? NO Eat a crunchy carrot. They are sweetish and your teeth will feel so smooth afterwards.

You want chocolate but you know you shouldn't..
Buy a small plain bar and eat just a square or two.
Share the rest with everyone so there is no store to feast on.

Make your own fish and chips without the batter. Flour the fish to dry it,put on a baking parchment in the oven, cook 30 minutes. Eat with either a baked potato or home made unpeeled chips(drain well)and give yourself a sensible portion. This is nice with salad as when you are trying to keep sensible portions, it helps to fill the plate up .

Make pizza at home.
Use multi toppings that look nice (sardines and pineapple/ pepperoni and mushroom).
Cook without the cheese and then grate some on top and let it melt for a few moments.
You will get the full cheese flavour without using too much.
Make a pizza family sized and share it,don't make each person their own or you will make them too large.
If someone doesn't like a certain topping, have it as a side dish so people can add it themselves.

Friday, 8 July 2011

easy friday

Twas the laptop workout today.
Maya the 3d coach was waiting as usual in her virtual gym.
I chose my favourite Core session and she gave me loads of stability ball.
On the one hand it was a burning repetition of crunches but on the other hand, it was a good old workout where I felt like I had to put in maximum effort.

The plank work is really helping my workouts.
I had 2 sets of plank twists and in one set I did 9 reps which is far more than usual at that move.
The lateral twists(mason swings) were also easier as I do a similar thing for my HIIT but with a much heavier weight. These are probably twice as long in duration but you really need that because the whole workout is balanced ,one exercise with the next, so you don't want a huge heavy weight move and then a light one for the opposite muscles.
 My shoulders were feeling it somewhat from the dips.

I practiced head stands aferwards. I managed a couple by the wall but not held up by it ,which is pleasing,I think they are good for your back .
100 squats
Then the Hydrants which really burn deep in my glutes but are hopefully going to be worth it to help with my running.
Lastly 100 push ups in 3 sets,40,20,40

Why keep fit at all? 

When we first came to live here 22 years ago, we met our lovely neighbour.
She was 80 years old.
She lived on her own and did everything by hand including mowing her lawns.
Never a driver, she walked into town about 3 times a week.
She often laughed about how long she would live next door.

Well eventually when she reached 100,she got too frail to look after herself and had to go to live in a home.
She is still going strong aged 102. 

So what is the secret of her long life?
No smoking?
No drinking Alcohol?
She was a widowed mother and so was not always stress free.

I firmly believe it was her activity that kept her so mobile . 
The same is seen in places where the elderly population must grow their food and dig the land and walk for miles. There is something to be said for moderation also. Indulging in too much of anything is detrimental. 

Use it or lose it.


dip challenge

Today (Thursday) was the first day of my dip challenge .
Given the 50 I managed for the test,I am starting on week 3 day 1 .
This turned out to be a good place to begin.
I had to do 5 sets;18,23,18,18 and >26
I managed 32 dips for my max set today.

Next I thought I would work on my push ups.
I have already completed the 100 push ups without stopping challenge so I did 40,20 as ordinary push ups, then 10 from the chair(feet on seat) and 30 in piked position which work the shoulder muscles a little bit higher up and feel quite different to ordinary push ups.    100 in all but with rests between.

Last a few crunches just to maintain core fitness.

In the afternoon I did a 5 minute plank hold with straight arms.
I noticed on the Konkura site,the plank challenge is resting on forearms which is actually quite a different feeling ,I will stick with straight arms for now. The head of the plank challenge on the Konkura site is a woman(yay) who can do something like 24 minutes and has the video to prove it.

OH didn't get back till 8.05pm but we ran because we missed out on Tuesdays outing due to the rain. It had rained a bit today but luckily held off for the run.
My son came with us and actually wore shorts. I think he found it easier as he didn't stop the whole way round  (3 miles) .
I often find I can keep exercising longer if I am lightly dressed because it takes longer to get too hot.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

HIIT8 afternoon workout

We didn't run after all last night.
It was cats and dogs outside.
I felt a bit of a fraud because I had thought about skipping earlier(rope jump) but decided I wouldn't.
It is too late to be jumping about after 8pm, the neighbours would be able to hear it and I am pretty sure their toddler would be kept awake by the bouncing sound going on and on.

Today it was muggy but raining again in the morning.
I decided to redo my Marmalade as it was runny so it went back in the big bowl for more micro zapping for another 20 minutes.

This afternoon, I got changed and grabbed my skipping rope for a bounce.
The 10 minute bounce was followed by
pullups 10 from the floor +
chinups 10 from the chair downwards
bounce 1 min 30
leg raises 12
pullups 6 from chair down
chinups 6 from chair down
bounce 1 min 30
double unders
bounce bounce 1 min 30
double unders
 bounce bounce 1 min 30
Then all again from the stars down and finishing with
18 kettle bell swings
 bounce 1 min 30
14 mason swings with weight
7 min cool down bounce

The whole lot took about an hour.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Haha so much for rest day!

I found another challenge site.
They are many.
This one had the dips challenge. 150 for goal.
I did the test and can do 50.
My shoulders felt great afterwards so I think I will enjoy this one.

I used to do this thing in the primary school when I was about 9.
There were buttresses along the wall of the dinner hall and when waiting in the dinner queue ,I would put my hands up behind me and heave myself up onto one(about shoulder high) and sit on it .
When I was about 20 and at work,we had to climb up onto the roof of the dark room(cant remember why) but I did the same action of hauling myself up to shoulder height by my hands without much trouble.
I would have trouble doing that now  but it is the same muscles for dips.

I thought I might try a squats challenge too so found the 200 squats challenge.
The test unfortunately(or fortunately) proved I can already do 200 so I changed my mind about that one.

When I have completed the dips,I might do a pull ups challenge. to try and reach 20.
Having already begun pull ups, I can manage about 6 and the same of chin ups.
The challenge I found ,suggests doing some push ups first thing and pull ups or chin ups later in the day.
If I can make either chin ups or pull ups  to 20 ,I will be very pleased.
I watched some videos of women doing both and noticed that there is a sort of wallowing motion that they use to get themselves up that might be where I am going wrong as I have been trying to pull straight up.

Today should be a run in the evening.
The knee is behaving itself again at present .

Monday, 4 July 2011


Happy independance day! if you are in the United states.
You most probably have some sort of celebrations for this day!

We in the United Kingdom however,will not!
We will most likely sit in a dark room and mutter bitterly about wasted tea and ingrates.
:D Shh just my jest

Most of the younger people here have probably never heard of Independance day .
They probably think it is a celebration of the film with the Alien invasion.
Mention tea parties and Boston and they will stare at you blankly.
Ask them about Paul Revere and they will say he is a Pop singer.

Another resting day..

The knee is much better today.
We don't run Monday though so I have decided to rest up again .
I will admit to having done a few push ups, 45,20,20,15
Some plank 2.30(minutes)
and a few chair dips (20)
I tried some hand clap push ups...nopey! much too hard.I could just about do 4 from my knees but I think I may have even cheated on them, as I had to sort of pike my middle.
I often find myself just popping in a few exercise moves just for the heck of it,always have .
My weight has reached 127lbs and according to one of the online fat percentage dubries, that takes me to 16% body fat along with waist,hip,neck,age,gender.
That is almost 10% less than when I first measured in April,so even if the measuring is not perfect, it must still be minus 10% of what it was.
Funnily enough,I don't look that skinny because my ab muscles are fairly good and my ribs ,shoulder blades,pelvis bone are not protruding.

The guys managed to move onto their next Karate belts on Sunday.
 OH is now a green and My son is Blue(one above green).
Their club is very popular as the instructor knows his stuff and no one gets through if they aren't seriously ready for the next belt.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sunday workout HIIT 7

The guys went to Karate so I got my gear on again.
This time I did the pull up bar and floor exercises with a few kettle bell swings and crunches because my knee is still not 100% and I wanted to avoid the jump rope in case it stressed it.
I got through the workout fine and did a new thing I had seen on the internet  from cuppaworkout who has some excellent challenging stuff posted.
It is called fire hydrants.
You are down on hands and knees and you only work one leg at a time.
First leg is bent out like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant(hence the name),
Each set 30 seconds no rest
1 lift and lower that leg
2 kick that leg out straighter and work it like a lever
3 kick up at the ceiling with bent leg
4 circle leg clockwise either bent or straight
5 circle leg anticlockwise
6 draw a small triangle behind you with knee,leg bent
7 draw a large triangle behind you with toe,leg straight
change to other leg.
This is very 'burning'  on the glutes (posterior cushioning)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Bobbing along

Last night run was a bit knee glitchy to begin but not impossible like the night before.
After about 5 minutes, the knee had warmed up and by 10 minutes, it was as painless as usual.
We only did the shorter hillier run as it was OH's second run in a row and I didn't want to tempt knee fate for myself.

I made jam yesterday so we have quite a lot of sweet stuff now to add to breakfast or to have on toast.

Today is the Chocolate day and probably a rest day.

The OH has gone to treat a niece to a birthday shopping treat and restaurant lunch with her mum.
I sometimes resent these expeditions as he chooses to do them regardless of whether we have money and often without mentioning them until the day or a day or 2 before.
It feels like they are his family but nothing to do with me or the kids at all.

When I was a kid, Aunts and uncles were the people who sent you a present on your birthday or Xmas and you went to see maybe twice a year. You never called them by their Christian name alone and the husband of your mother's sister,was called Uncle and treated with the exact respect that was afforded to his wife.
They were never seen as the Aunt's husband who stood at the side and watched your family interact, they were your family just as much as the actual blood relations.
I think that none of OH's nephews and nieces think of me or the kids as family and some don't even know our names.
When my 6 year old nephew came to stay about 14 years ago, he kept having to ask me my name and said mummy had told him I was Aunty M (not even close to my name).
My kids were taught to write thank-you letters whenever they received presents from other family but there were rarely any in return or to ourselves and eventually I stopped buying for them as they were virtually strangers.

It is like a little club involving only the immediate brothers and sisters. If you are not one of them,your existence is ignored unless you have some amusing or entertaining spectacle to perform.

When we announced we were going to get married,the youngest (spoilt sister and very manipulative) had somehow acquired OH's birth certificate (needed to get a wedding license). We had to ask his mother to get it for us. Said sister acquiesced and even offered to make a cake for our wedding. On the day, she did not even attend the wedding, much less make a cake.She was not missed and nor was the elusive cake. We had plenty of friends there and we jumped in our little car afterwards and went camping.

One of the nieces is marrying at the end of the year. OH accepted invitations to us all but my son wont go because he doesn't know any of them. My daughter wont go because she would rather be with her boyfriend 600 miles away and I wont go because I refuse to dress up for the scrutiny of the 'sisters' who are quite audibly critical of anyone who doesn't fit their criteria.  The niece is a nice girl and her intended seems a nice person too but it would feel like going to a TV personality wedding, I know the face and the voice but there is nothing else.

Friday, 1 July 2011

The century has arrived

Well I did it!
100 push ups without a stop between.
Twas a wobbly armed ending but no sagging or cheating.
I will probably keep up the push ups to maintain my arm and shoulder strength.
It was surprisingly tight across my abs by the time I had done them all.

I want to continue to work on my Plank and my pull up/chin ups.
Tonight we are going to run after all so not a rest day today.
My knee seems to have recovered from its niggle,maybe it was just too soon after the evening before's workout to be running.

Glitchy knee stops play

Boo lasts nights run was cut short after only about a minute when I realised my knee had a glitchy twinge.
Rather than keep on until I stopped noticing, I thought I would just turn around and walk back to the house and rest it up.
Usually I would have managed to land my foot slightly softer and that would have sorted it out but because I did my workout so late the night before, I decided it most probably needed a longer pause between workout and run to get it back to normal.

I did a few squats and planks and sit ups at home just to fill in time while I waited for OH to get back from his lone run. The squats were fine on the knee so it must have been more of an impact thing .

It always seems such a drag to have to wait while injury or colds sort themselves out but it is worth a short break to save having a long recovery at the expense of a couple of running days or 1 or 2 workouts.

Not so long ago,I tried barefoot skipping and it was much harder than with shoes.
Stupidly I ignored tendon soreness and skipped 20 minutes unshod only to find I could hardly walk the next day and had about 2 weeks without being able to skip,run or workout even in shoes.
 Lesson learned!