Friday 30 March 2012

Not spending money

It is sunny and bright here today.
The garden beckoned so I ""trudged"" skipped down there
My Azada was super useful.
I have still got quite a bit of ground to clear but with my trusty digging tool ,it is not back breaking work.
I think I have cleared enough space foe the potatoes, the beans ,and hopefully Brassicas.
The onions are looking healthy and not too weedy still.

Lizard lodgers

In the compost bin,there were at least 6 slow worms snoozing away.
One of the big grey males was minus his tail.
They can break off their tail if they are threatened and it will grow back again.
You can see where they have grown them back because they are always a bit smaller in girth.
The females are browner and the babies are copper coloured usually with a little brown line down each side.
Slow worms are lizards not snakes and you can tell them by their little dark eyes and blinky eyelids.
Snakes don't have eyelids.
That bin is the slowest to decompose and I often find inhabitants of the reptilian sort.
They are harmless and beautiful.
If I water that bin well,they will find another place I expect but I like them so they can share the bin with me and I will just wait till they are not around before I take any compost from it.

Potting on

I find potting on rather tedious.
You must do it when your seedlings become too large for the original vessel.
Having sown many of mine in those little sectioned trays this spring, I had plenty to pot up.
I chose Brussels-sprouts and Broccoli.
There were about 30 of each which seems loads but they wont all make it .
The slugs around here practice speed eating.

The newly potted up plants are in the cold frame and will be joined by Kale in a few days.

Seedlings are beginning to pop up.
Leeks are poking out above the black mud in their pot.
Cabbages are beginning to appear.
The carrots I planted in loo rolls are not out yet and I have a second lesser sowing to follow them.
Tomatoes are not showing and neither are spring onions or lettuce.
There is no hurry.

I was pleased to see some pea seedlings and some of the pole beans have made a start.

I love spring and growing things.

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