Tuesday 13 March 2012

Aloe Vera and vinegar remedy

In the garden yesterday trying to clear the strawberry patches of moss and weeds, I encountered an angry wasp.
He was sitting on my hand ,digging his sting into my finger at the time.
I let him go or rather ,he flew away and I hared it up the garden pronto to get a tissue soaked in vinegar.
Vinegar is excellent for dealing with wasp stings because it is acidic and wasp stings are alkaline,therefore it neutralises the stinging.
The way to remember if you should use vinegar for wasps or bees is easy...
Winegar for Wasps and Bicarb for Bees

I sometimes get spots on my chin from the fleeces I wear in the winter.
The collars come up past my neck and rub my face but I like the warmth of fleeces.
Aloe Vera works well to eliminate the spots.
I break off a leaf and open it up.
Scrape out the gel part(you can eat it to help with digestion) and then use the wet leaf to clean round the spots. It is soothing and helps to reduce the redness in a matter of minutes.
I have quite a lot of Aloe Vera plants. I bought 2 small ones in a charity shop about 8 years ago and have been potting them on ever since.
They produce mini plants which are easy to pot up on their own.

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