Wednesday 2 November 2011

In the cold windy garden

The onions and Garlic are starting to surface.
I planted the onions around a month ago I think and only had to replant around 4 bulbs.
The birds pull them up if they see them poking out.
I try to plant them with nothing poking out in consequence but birds have very sharp eyes.
The garlic is surging ahead despite being the last to be planted.

These will be ready around early summer having spent the winter taking advantage of the cold ground.

You can also plant in February/March when the newer onion sets are in the shops.
Those grow until about August before needing to be harvested.

Once they are harvested, I shall chop and freeze some, dry and package some and pickle some. There wont be any for stringing as they don't keep as well as the spring planted onions do.

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