Managed to get in an hour long virtual gym workout this afternoon.
The ball was utilised as usual and still feels like it is doing its job on Abs.
I cant really understand the 'don't arch your back' comment the trainer gives out because it is done on a ball which is curved and so you don't really have a lot of choice.
I timed the workout so that I could gobble a banana while making dinner and then leave it to cook while I went and cleaned up and got changed.
That works well either before lunch or dinner as I don't feel like shoveling back food in addition to the meal if I haven't got long till a scheduled meal anyway and it makes it easy to just have an Apple or carrot or something later on.
Since I haven't been chocolating, I haven't felt the need to snack anyway. It's almost as though chocolate was responsible for wanting nibbles,not the boredom or extra exercise after all.
Hubs can be a bit of a nibbler. He will buy chocolate,biscuits,donuts and cake quite often at weekends and it is difficult not to join in with him. I'm sure he prefers his wife to be trim rather than blobby but the evidence would suggest otherwise.
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