Monday 3 December 2012

Human arrogance

I have been watching the 'ZOO' videos on swagbucks recently.
Many of them feature baby animals born in Zoos.
What strikes me as rather mysterious is the need for almost every zoo to take the young away from their mothers and hand rear them.
If humans were treated in that way ,their would be a public outcry but it is alright to pair off animals, wait for them to produce and then steal the babies.
The thinking of the zoos seems to be that the parent animals are too stupid to care for their own young.
They point out that these young animals would not exist if it wasn't for them and their breeding schemes but I cant agree.
The animals wouldn't even need a breeding scheme if they were not hunted to almost extinction in the first place.
Also the animals that are bred are often those who would not naturally survive due to colour mutations or even cross breeding.
Lucky  babies! They will grow up in a cage and be able to produce their own young that will be taken away as soon as they appear!
The zoo will point out that the mother didn't feed them properly or there was too much danger of their being trodden on. Yeah right...
More likely it is the money making aspect of showing clean fluffy cubs that are not hidden safely away from the vulture tendencies of the human population.

I am not against zoos or even breeding schemes, I can see they preserve animals that would otherwise die out  but come on...put the animals in a natural setting and let them keep their own young at least.

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