Wednesday 5 September 2012

Rocket and egg sarnies

We have loads of Rocket in the garden at present.
It has started to flower so I will leave some to seed.

It seemed only right to have a boiled egg sandwich with heaps of rocket while it is so abundant.

There was one lonely little spring onion that got chopped and added and the smallest tomatoes in the world that wouldn't have looked out of place in a 1/12th dolls house kitchen.

I dug a 4 foot section of spuds and have about as many white spuds for my efforts as were planted entirely.
About 5/13 of the spuds are now dug up.

Another marrow emerged from the undergrowth that is the squash patch.

The pumpkin is a beautiful golden orange now.
It must be about 14 inches diameter.
OH says to keep an eye on it as Halloween approaches but I think we are the only people who can see it .

Last night we had HM Fish and chips using some cod that OH bought in the fish and chip shop- scraps bag.
The Chips and Green Beans were home made and grown so it was a very economical meal .
About 50p for the cod (2 bits each for 3 of us is less than half the bag at £1).Nothing for the chips,nothing for the Beans.
About 15p for the batter.
So 65p for the meal or around 22 pence each

I find Caterpillars every day on the Brassicas but just pick them off and chuck them.
There is a nice looking cabbage waiting to be harvested.
I always cut them leaving the stalk as the leaves continue to grow out if you do and you can come and pick them off when you want them.

The veg patch is beginning to wind down now.
I have seen my first sighting this year of an advert for onion sets .
Another month and I shall start clearing the fruit area .
It is very weedy and overgrown.
I left it too late early this year and so there is a lot to do.

Things I learned this year about growing at home..
  • Make sure to pot the tomatoes on into big pots else there isn't enough water even if you water them religiously.
  • Earthing up spuds with cut grass is much much better than with earth because they get a greater depth of cover, it is looser and they are being fed at the same time.
  • You can grow carrots in boxes in the greenhouse.
  • Sowing early gets some stuff off to a good start but some stuff needs the heat AND light of longer days.
  • You can grow spring onions in the greenhouse if you are patient.
  • Capillary action only works for about a 6 inch run at most.
  • Covering up water containers with window netting keeps the gnats off.
  • Pheasant berries make a raisin substitute.
  • Nasturtium seeds can be pickled.
  • If you have a good identity book,you can find edible fungi in the garden.
  • Molochia is Jews Mallow which is edible and prolific.

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