Wednesday 11 April 2012

Grinding and Blending

The boys went to Gillingham today in the car to get a post hole digger.
OH reserved it online before they left but when they arrived, it had vanished from the store so they went elsewhere and found one instead.
So much for reserve and pick up!

The garden being very long, we have been in need of a new fence or any fence for a long time.
Now we have new neighbours, it's time to start fencing it properly.
Our old neighbour didn't mind that it was not fenced and I don't think the new one does either as it is at the bottom end beyond a lot of trees etc but we have always said we would fence it properly one day.
We went down to look yesterday and discovered that the fence along the path (right of way rat-run leading to a council estate one end and a field the other) was demolished,so all the more reason to get fencing underway.

While they were gone, I used my grinder to powder some rice and some lentils for cooking.
They make excellent thickeners for soups and stews.
Then I got out the blender and made Peanut butter using two small packets of salted peanuts and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.It fills a 1lb jar and will last several weeks.
I like it after exercising as it seems to stave off any lack of energy surges .

I have a self assessment request from the IRS which is odd as I haven't been employed at all this year.
Trying to get through to HMRC on the phone is as usual a Joke.
They must meet with an awful lot of frustration and irritation on the phone lines mostly due to their constant revolving of musak and the line 'thank you for ringing HMRC,an advisor will speak to you shortly'  which are alright for the first minute but after 10 minutes have the listener wanting to fling the phone across the room.

My first attempt took me through 3 menus before the revolving torture, my second attempt was the 3 menus and then the ' line is unavailable' tone. I will try again tomorrow when hopefully I will have more luck.


I did finally get through to HMRC  and the man at the other end of the phone line, decided after I had explained about the circumstances , that there was no need for me to fill in a self assessment form.
Apparently they will write to tell me not to do so...
As yet ( April 26th ),they haven't written at all ..

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