Wednesday 18 July 2012

Cardboard Mulch and Slug Pellets

Yesterday was a dry day!
I took advantage of the weather to get outside and do a lot more weeding of the strawberry beds.
There are two beds,each about 3 feet X 5 feet.
Originally,I had 3 strawberry plants and they have propagated themselves over the years so now there must be around 100 plants or so.
DS is tidying his room and produced some cardboard boxes that were just what I need for mulching the beds once the weeds were reduced.
Hopefully the cardboard will help suppress any more weeds for a while (im hoping for all of the rest of the year).
In the spring, I will remove it if it is still pick up-able and dig out everything and then plant the best of the plants in the newly cleared beds.

The slugs seem prolific and have been nibbling on the new clover plants much to my disgust.
Pellets have been administered.
The Phacelia is now starting to show in the 3rd Green manure bed.

Magnesium deficiency is showing still in the potato leaves.
I watered them with Epsom salts several weeks ago and that did help but with all this rain I guess it was time for another dose.

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