Twas the 30th Anniversary of meeting the Hub, this Guy Fawkes night.
We met at work as many people do.
So many things have happened since and it is hard to relate to the people we once were.
My own kids are both older than we were then.
On the running front, I passed the 3 mile mark and am on the way to the 3 and a half.
Still jogging along 3 nights a week.
Sunday we do mornings if we can but it isnt always possible if the Hub has a duty on that day.
I am back to my plank exercise 2 or three times a week.
It consists of pushing into a push up position and holding steady as long as possible.
I can manage just over 4 minutes 40 as a PB
The garden is still untouched and will most likely remain so until the spring.
Food wise, I have finished the turpentining and think it helped.
Still Dairy free and will be for the long haul now.
Still Potato free.
Went back to Gluten and yeasted bread as it wasn't making a noticable difference to leave them out.
Only a few weeks till christmas.
The boy has still not found a job but there is a possible offering coming up.
Our daughter is working and living away still and is back to the university alongside her part time job.
She works in retail (is a shop assistant in other words) and their idea of part time workers is to contract them as part time employment and then tell them when they are doing overtime.
This is to get around the governments rules on the minimum wage and workers rights.
Im sure the government wouldn't give two hoots if they knew as they are all corrupt themselves.
It is quite alright for a political employee to lie and cheat regarding expenses and extra income but not for anyone else. Barring corporations ofcourse who have a lot more clout if they are challenged than a shop assistant or a 'commoner' such as the rest of we plebs most certainly are seen as.
My fiddle playing has improved vastly.
I can now twiddle my way through various hornpipes and you can hardly tell which are the wrong notes.
Very enjoyable.
I recommend learning a new instrument to anyone.